Oct. 30, 2017

Sagmeister makes me happy

Was ist Glück, wo findet man es und was kann der Mensch für sein eigenes Glück tun? Stefan Sagmeister beantwortet diese und weitere Fragen in seiner Ausstellung «The Happy Show«. Parallel dazu hat Sagmeister das MfG-Format «My Collection», kurartiert und seine persönlichen Lieblingsobjekte aus der Designsammlung des Museums für Gestaltung zusammengestellt.

Stefan Sagmeister made me really happy, indem er das Migros «M» auswählte (No. 72): Er schreibt dazu: "This M is part of the first proper corporate branding campaign I became aware of. When I was six years old a trip to Migros was very special, as they so clearly carried the most excellent chocolate bars. The Migros across the Austrian border in St. Margarethen displayed a single M, which meant it was a rather simple supermarket. My big sister insisted that she had been inside one with two M – a claim I doubted highly – but when we went on holiday and crossed all of Switzerland, we saw one with three M! My dad resisted all my urgent pleas to stop and investigate. I mean, what crazy-ass wonders might be hidden in a Migros that magnificent?"

Stefan Sagmeister – The Happy Show. Museum für Gestaltung, Zürich, 28.11.17.–11.03.18

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